Media Coverage

  1. AMI-EV gets tweeted by multiple users including [@SciRobotics], [@NEIDirector]
  2. PRG's newly invented camera AMI-EV gets reported by 20+ media including [Maryland Today], [ACM TechNews], [MSN]
  3. Dr. Nitin J. Sanket wins the Larry S. Davis Doctoral Award for research excellence. [UMD-CS]
  4. A new Vision for Violin Instruction [Maryland Today]
  5. PRG's INTERVIEW with Voice of America on Bee Drones. [VOA-News]
  6. Computer Scientist Creates Hive of Ideas for Drones [Maryland Today]
  7. This tiny drone can pollinate crops to help overworked bees [DroneDJ]
  8. PRG's INTERVIEW with Voice of America on Event Cameras. [VOA-News]

  9. Helping robots remember: Hyperdimensional computing theory could change the way AI works
  10. CrowdSupply: StereoPi-based AI-accelerated drones.
  11. Mashable: This drone relies on AI to dodge objects thrown at it.
  12. Futurism: Watch This Drone Expertly Ddodge Stuff Thrown At It.
  13. IEEE Spectrum: Insect-Inspired Vision System Helps Drones Pass Through Small Gaps.
  14. NVIDIA: Insect-Inspired Drone Uses AI to Fly Through Narrow Gaps.
  15. TechCrunch: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  16. University of Maryland CS: PRG's work Gapflyt highlighted in IEEE Spectrum media.
  17. Technology News Update: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  18. DeepFind: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  19. Maryland Robotics Center: GapFlyt helps aerial robots navigate more like birds and insects.
  20. USA Science News: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  21. DroneBelow: Flying Drones Through Small Holes.
  22. Japan Tech Crunch: Technique for educating optical flow in drone and passing small holes at high speed.
  23. Biomimétisme : un drone inspiré des oiseaux pour se faufiler à haute vitesse.
  24. UAS Vision: Teaching Drones to Fly Through Small Holes.
  25. Rotor Drone: “Bee Drone” Flies Like an Insect.
  26. Futura Sciences: un drone inspiré des oiseaux pour se faufiler à haute vitesse
  27. Tech Xplore: GapFlyt gives flying quadrotors a lesson in bees.
  28. ZNews: New strategies educate drones to fly by means of small holes – TechCrunch.
  30. News Locker: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  31. HubNNY: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  32. News RND: Các kỹ thuật mới dạy máy bay không người lái bay qua các lỗ nhỏ.
  33. TekCrispy: GapFlyt, la novedosa técnica que enseñará a volar Drones como insectos.
  34. TestWebUSA: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  35. DroneDJ: autonomously fly through tight spaces.
  36. DroneLife: Teaching Drones to Travel in Small spaces by Watching the Birds and the Bees.
  37. ReleaseSoon: New Strategies Train Drones To Fly By Means Of Small Holes.
  38. ECN: Bio-Inspired Quadcopter Takes a Minimalist Approach.
  39. Inside Drones: Researchers are teaching drones how to fly through small holes using 3D models.
  40. Nayana Blog: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  41. Robot Enthusiast: Teaching Aerial Robots to go through narrow gaps.
  42. Droni: prende spunto dagli insetti una nuova tecnica per volare nei piccoli varchi.
  43. Kopitiam Bot: New techniques teach drones to fly through small holes.
  44. Robotic Gizmos: GapFlyt: Teaching Aerial Robots To Go Through Narrow Gaps.

  45. Computer, Mathematical & Natural Sciences at UMD: Robots Learn to Use Kitchen Tools by Watching YouTube Videos.
  46. IEEE Spectrum: Robot, watch this YouTube video and then make me a sandwich
  47. DARPA: Robots Learn to Perform Tasks by “Watching” YouTube Videos
  48. Computer World: DARPA teaches robots to cook by watching YouTube
  49. CHINA TOPIX: Robots Learn to Cook by Watching YouTube Videos
  50. Cnet: Robots learn to cook by watching YouTube
  51. The Columbia Chronicle: Cooking robot may offer artificial culinary intelligence
  52. Daily Science Journal: New Robot Learning Cooking From YouTube Videos
  53. Defense Systems: Meet the robot that learns by watching videos
  54. Empire State Tribune: Other robots can jump and run but this one can copy what they see instantly
  55. Engadget: DARPA's new tech lets robots learn from YouTube videos
  56. Fast Company: Robots Learn To Cook Food By Watching YouTube Videos
  57. Gadget Gestures: Google Robot Is Capable of Learning by Watching Instructional Videos
  58. Gigaom: Move over Emeril: Robot learns how to prep food from YouTube
  59. HNGN: Robots Learn To Cook Dinner By Simply Watching A YouTube Video
  60. Immortal News: Robot Learns to Cook by Watching How-to Videos on YouTube
  61. Independent: Youtube Videos are teaching Military Robots of the future to cook.
  62. Inquistr: DARPA’s Robot AI Learns To Cook By Watching YouTube Videos
  63. IT World: Military-funded robots can learn by watching YouTube
  64. Live Science: Chef Bot? Robot Learns Cooking from YouTube Videos
  65. The Marysue: Robot Learns to Cook by Watching YouTube Videos, Just Like Us
  66. Mother Nature Network: Robots learn to cook with a little help from YouTube
  67. National Monitor: DARPA funded robot learns to cook by watching YouTube videos
  68. News Tonight: New Robot Learns Cooking From YouTube
  69. Network World: Robots watch “YouTube” videos, learn to use cooking tools
  70. Next Big Future: DARPA robot can learn tasks from Youtube video and a neural net can understand video 20 times faster than a human
  71. Tech Advisor: Military-funded robots can learn by watching YouTube
  72. PC Mag: Robots Are Learning to Cook by Watching YouTube
  73. PC World: These military-funded robots learn by watching YouTube
  74. Robotics Tomorrow: Robots Learn to Perform Tasks by “Watching” YouTube Videos
  75. Slash Gear: YouTube videos teach robots to cook
  76. Sputnik News: US Scientists Teach Robots How to Take YouTube Cooking Lessons
  77. Tech Times: DARPA Trains Robots To Cook By Watching YouTube Videos: Why It's Significant
  78. UPI: Robot acquires chef skills via YouTube instructional videos
  79. USA Today: Robots are learning to cook by watching YouTube
  80. VoaNews: Robot Learns to Cook by Watching Videos. [Audio]
  81. Biz Journals: UMD and DARPA develop robots that cook
  82. Washington Post: This robot at U-Md. taught itself to cook by watching YouTube